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Colorado School of Mines
1500 Illinois St
Golden, CO 80401
Check out our participating colleges
Please search by Institution Name, State, and/or Country to see who will be in attendance. To un-apply filters, remove selections then click "Search" again.
New Mexico Tech
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
DigiPen Institute of Technology
Texas Tech University
Kansas State University
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Colorado Mesa University
Kettering University
Florida Polytechnic University
Arizona State University
IE University
University of Colorado Denver
University of Florida
The University of Tulsa
Colorado School of Mines
University of Connecticut
University of Colorado Boulder
Utah State University
University of Cincinnati
Western Colorado University
Montana State University
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
University of the Pacific
Westminster University
Gonzaga University
Purdue University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Nova Southeastern University
University of Denver
University of Nevada, Reno
Duke Kunshan University
University of Wyoming
Ohio University
Virginia Commonwealth University
New York University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Saint Louis University
University of the Pacific-School of Engineering and Computer Science
Knox College
Southern Methodist University - Lyle School of Engineering
Workshop Schedule
Check back soon for our scheduled workshops. We'll also notify registrants when workshops become available for registration, so you can save your spot!
Thank you to our dedicated committee members!
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